Diamond Cutting Machine
Diamond Cutting Machine
Diamond Sawing and Shape Cutting Machines are used to saw the diamonds with low power Laser. Several shapes of aesthetic importance can be cut with the machine.
Low power laser is used as cutting tool. Computerized vision system is used for assistance during sawing and shape cutting. The machine is based on Cartesian X-Y-Z movements powered by linear servo motors. Ball screws are avoided for higher acceleration and trouble free operations. The control system uses advanced motion controller. Features like Auto changeover and fixture to cut 20 or 40 diamonds enhances the machine capability.
Continuous development in the software has enabled us to increase the throughput, to reduce weight loss & also to minimize diamond breakage
Several sawing and shaping parameters of the diamond such as its length, width, depth etc. are necessary to be understood & set before using it on the Laser machine. Set up station helps user to set these parameters.

PC based system is developed for Setup station for Sawing and shape cutting. Various parameters of diamonds such as their own dimensions as well as their location information are found out, which is made use of subsequently on the laser machines during sawing or shape cutting.
System Used
Sawing setup and shaping setup can both be done on the same setup station. The machine is based on Cartesian X-Y-Z movements powered by servo motors through ball screws. There are two CCD cameras used in the system. They are interfaced to the computer. Sawing setup process uses only top camera. Shaping setup process uses both, top and side camera. Advanced motion controller is used along with computer control. Operator interaction takes place through the user interface developed for setup station.
Some of the diamond parameters are manually entered during setup. Values of remaining parameters are found out by computerized image processing.